Friday, December 9, 2011

Dry Erase Frames

Apologies for the lapse in posts - it's been a hectic few weeks at our house, with little to no time for crafting!

I am slightly apprehensive about posting this project, as they are Christmas presents for family and friends.  But then I rationalized a few things: 1. some of you out there in the interwebs might be looking for inexpensive gift ideas for YOUR near and dear, and 2. most of my family has no idea I have this blog - therefore, they won't even know.  Plus, I only post a photo of ONE of the finished frames, so it's not like anyone will know what theirs will look like!

This is seriously such a genius idea.  Picture frames + scrapbooking paper + dry erase markers = cleaner and prettier message board than a chalkboard.  I despise chalk - I can't deal with the, um, chalkiness?  Ick.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand.  I bought packs of plain frames at Michaels during their Black Friday weekend sales - the frames were on sale for $9.99 (normally $14.99) for 4 8x10's, and I got 3 packs (12 frames).  I had a coupon for $5 off my total order, and when I picked up a pack of scrapbook paper that was on sale for $9.99 (normally $19.99), I ended up spending $34.96 for $64.96 worth of supplies.  Score.

I already had several cans of spraypaint on hand - I am a huge advocate for remodeling via spraypaint.  I got out the red, blue, white and army green paint, and took apart the frames so that all I was left with was actual frame itself.  Out to the shop I went, and repainted the boring black frames in pretty colors.

Next, I took the cardboard backing from each frame and, after matching a sheet of scrapbook paper to each frame, trimmed down the paper to fit in the frame.

Put all the components back together, and voila! 

Instant dry erase board you can hang on the wall, on the back of the door, etc. to leave messages on.

I figured these would be great for working parents to leave their kids notes/chore lists/etc. for when they come home from school.  I happened to use one just the other day - we had a plumber come by while I was at work, and I left him instructions on the dry erase board on the porch so he knew where everything was, as well as my cell and work numbers in case he needed me.  Old-fashioned text messages - LOVE!